Bucephalandra Rainbow Marble potted aquarium plant (Buy 2, Get 1 Free)

Sale price$19.99


Product Description:

Qty: 1 potted plant

Common Name: Bucephalandra Rainbow Marble

Buce Rainbow Marble is an easy plant, perfect for beginners. It can be grown submerged or immersed. The plant is very slow growing, with new leaves sprouting from long, thin rhizomes. It can be propagated by cutting the rhizome and attached to driftwood and rocks using super glue gel or thread. 

Bucephalandra is an aquarium plant that can be attached to an aquarium hardscape. It is reccommended that the Bucephalandra should not be planted in a substrate and cover the rhizome. If planted in substrate, be mindful that here will be melt and rot. Bucephalandra’s final size, coloration and growth rate are dependent upon the condition of the aquarium. 

Family Name: Araceae

Leaves: Curly, small sized 1-2cm

pH: 6-8

Care: Easy

Light: Low to Medium

Co2: Not necessary but recommended 

Propagation: Cut by rhizome

Growth rate: Slow


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